Step Up with Chanthal Whites
Donation Form
Before you donate, please complete the form below so that we have your donation on record.
How to donate
Simply complete the form above. You may opt to give a one-off donation or donate every month. After completion, you can make payment to the banking details listed on the left. During payment, simply use your name and surname as reference.
Why to donate
Pastor Chanthal has a big heart for souls and reaching out to people from all walks of life. She desires to provide both spiritual and physical support to people who need hope, comfort and
reassurance. Your donation will help her achieve this!
How to donate
Bank: First National Bank
Account Name: Step Up with CW
Type of Account: Business Account
Account No: 6284 3006 108
Branch Code: 200910
Account Name: Step Up with CW
Type of Account: Business Account
Account No: 6284 3006 108
Branch Code: 200910
Step Up with Chanthal Whites
Besides Pastor Chanthal ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ on multiple local and international platforms including TV, radio, magazines, events and church, she carries a burden for community outreach. Nieuwoudtville in the Northern Cape is one of the communities very close to her heart amidst many others where she runs clothing drives, school projects and feeding initiatives.
More about Step Up