My Canvas

Step Up with Chanthal Whites

Chanthal Whites

Step Up with CW (PTY) Ltd [Registration number: 2019/523011/07] is the God-given, Holy Spirit inspired ministry of Pastor Chanthal Whites whose calling was pressed through in prayer by the legacy of her grandmother, an anointed intercessor.
In 2005, during an exceptionally broken time in her life, Chanthal conceived Step Up which was later birthed in 2015. Today, Step Up with CW stars on various media platforms including TV, radio and magazines.

It can also be viewed on a range of social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp. Step Up with CW is broadcasted on Kruiskyk as well as LifeCBN as a TV talk show. It features in the Lady Rose magazine in the Single’s column in addition to airing on an international online radio station: All Nations Radio. These live broadcasts are released into different parts of South Africa with an increasingly wide range of international listenership alike.

Chanthal is a lover of Christ and has a great passion for the body of Christ to be equipped with the truth of who God called them to be. Step Up with CW aims to uplift both women and men so that in turn, they can touch lives, impact their community and become who they are destined to be. Chanthal is also an evangelist, pastor, bible school lecturer, author and motivational speaker. She was the Station Manager of Disa 95.9FM and also a director of a film company called Grace Force Productions.

Living God’s purpose for their lives is the drive Chanthal wants to see every person step into – so let us come into alignment with fulfilling just that!