Letters of Love

Step Up with Chanthal Whites

Good day Pastor Chanthal. Thank you for the amazing way you teach. You minister the way God requires us to receive it. I’ve learnt such a lot since I’ve joined Step Up and All Nations House of Glory Ministries. God bless you!

Sylvia Frances






Greetings in the Name of Jesus. Pastor Chanthal, you are a tremendous blessing and inspiration to me and my family. I have spiritually grown so much since I’ve started listening to the prayer meetings. You are a destiny pusher. Your teachings are life changing and with every prayer session there are new things birthing. Thank you for being the difference in so many lives. We love you and appreciate you.

Samantha Fortune

Every time I tune into the prayers, it’s so prophetic. Pastor Chanthal would locate my current situation or what she ministers will give me direction ans revelation. I thank God for this platform. May God lift this ministry higher! Pastor Chanthal and team, you are on the right track, doing a great job in the Kingdom in this hour. God bless you.


I just want to say thank you to you, Pastor, and your team working in the background. I believe much of us can say how we can’t wait for having time with you in the presence of God. Even days afterwards, I find myself going back to listen to and pray with previous episodes. It is truly a blessing and an upliftment of the soul. You know when you having some of those days when the inner voice tells you, “Go back my dear and listen deeper again…” Then you find the answer to something. May God’s blessing be with you always in everything you do and plan in the future.

Beverlene Khana



Afternoon all, the past prayer meetings has been HOLY SPIRIT ordained. I was battling with some things at work which I could not understand. From Day 1 to Day 5, the Holy Spirit revealed everything to me. Now I understand that I am in my HOUR. The Word of God has arrived in my workplace hence there is chaos and confusion because the Son is rising up within me. Bless you Pastor Chanthal for always walking in obedience. Love you and bless you.

Anschen Smallberg


May God’s grace, glory and wisdom continue to pour over you, Pastor Whites. May you never get weary of sharing this modern day spiritual manna with us as you save, serve, guide, encourage and give us courage through your thought-provoking and enlightening sermons. The burden of life is somehow eased the more I listen to your sermons or read the statuses which you tirelessly post. May you and your entire team live long lives filled with God’s never ending goodnesses and mercies.

Tau Jani


Hi, this has been an incredible journey for me to listen to your teachings on a new level in this time. I’ve seen the hand of God in my finances, my health, my children. My son just started a job at a workshop. Pastor, you steal my heart. I want to be of this End Time Pentecostal Revival.

Christine Miller

Pastor Chanthal, Dynamic Woman of the most high God. All I can say is I have never heard any prayer warrior pray like you. May the Lord open doors that no man can shut for you and All Nations. My prayer for you is to Stay Strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

Monica Martin

Greetings in Jesus Name! What a privilege it is to be part of this group. Before I was actually part of the group, I used to get the Wednesday night prayer meetings from a friend which was just over a year maybe. I would sit and wait for it and ‘wow’, what a blessing it has been. So many prayer meetings Pator Chanthal would speak on things I would be thinking which at times came as confirmation. Thank you Pastor Chanthal for being obedient to God and thank you team for always updating. I am excited for what God has in store for everyone, God bless!

Jaunita Markgraff

Hallelujah! Ek was bevoorrreg om in Junie maand by ‘n Step Up Conference in Century City by te woon. Van daardie dag af, was my lewe nooit weer dieselfde nie. Die geklank van die shofars het my by die deure ingevat en binne het ek die ervaring van my lewe gehad, van die begin tot die einde. Abba Vader bederf my toe verder dat ek kon in skakel op die WhatsApp groep. Seeninge, seeninge en seeninge onverdiend. Ek wil vandag vir u seen, Pastoor Chanthal, vir die koninkrykswerk wat jy hier op aarde. Dankie, dankie, dankie.

Jasmine Lakay

Hi Step Uppers. Gedurende lockdown het ek na Pastor Chanthal se oorgangsbidure in die nuwe jaar geluister. Ek het 2 geskeurde tendons in my skouer gehad en my arm het met ‘n paar sentimeters verkort. Tydens die Songadoggend dienste, het die heerlikheid van die Heilige Gees voelbaar in die kamer ingekom en my arm het langer geword. My arm het ook sonder enige operasies, heeltemal herstel. Ek volg die gebeds sessies vanaf Augustus maand en kan voel hoe dit my geestelik stig en fiks maak. Dankie Pastoor Chanthal vir jou gehoorsaamheid.

Sunnete Fourie